
Our vision at iSense Solutions is to create the best workplace for market researchers. Our
culture values feedback and we always listen to our colleagues’ needs.

Benefits of working at iSense Solutions include: fun team & workplace, continuous professional development with focus on innovation (trainings, conference participation, career plan with 2 evaluations per year), flexible time schedule, possibility to work from home, private healthcare clinic subscription, bonuses (performance, workload, job anniversary, birthday, Easter, Christmas, others according to position), additional free days for each year inside the company, pool and fitness gym at the headquarter, 2-3 team buildings/year at the seaside and mountain, parties, weekly fun activities with prizes and lunch supported by company, Bookster subscription if you are a book worm 🙂 & free snacks.

If you think we are a fit, say hello and send us your resume at: [email protected]!
iSense Solutions – The Modern Consumer Company, with over 170 clients, is one of the fastest growing research agency in Romania. Focused on innovation in market research, we provide better answers to our clients’ business questions. More information can be found inside our website.

Please see our open positions below:

The Ideal Candidate

What conditions you must meet:

  • Minimum 5-6 years of experience in Qualitative Marketing Research;
  • Experience in moderating a wide range of methodologies (online communities, FGDs, IDIs, etc.);
  • Graduated from university  – Sociology, Psychology,  Antropology, SNSPA
  • English at an advanced level;
  • Open, curious about innovation;
  • Good interpersonal skills;
  • Has a passion for understanding people;
  • Leadership, diplomacy, time and task organization skills;
  • Team spirit, communicative, organized person, attention to detail, ease in working with multiple tasks and projects;
  • Strong Microsoft Office knowledge – Excel, Word, PowerPoint;



What will you do:

  • Keeping in touch with clients, understanding their business objectives;
  • Team management;
  • Project team coordination and increase of their competences;
  • Involvement in the development of data collection tools (conversation guide)  moderation of a wide range of methodologies, writing consultancy reports;
  • Involvement in the development and implementation of modern research methodologies;
  • Reports that include actionable conclusions and recommendations;
  • Presenting the results to the client.


If you think we are a fit, say hello and send us your resume at: [email protected]!

Despre Noi:

Sense Solutions își mărește echipa de analiza si caută un nou coleg/ă  pasionat/ă și dedicat/ă pentru a se alătura echipei noastre în rolul de Executiv Data Analyst.


Candidatul Ideal:


Căutăm un viitor coleg/ă cu o pregătire solidă în domenii precum Marketing, Sociologie, Cibernetică, Matematică sau Informatică. Calificările și abilitățile dorite includ:

  • Limba engleză la un nivel avansat;
  • Experiență de cel puțin 1 an într-un rol de analist de date în domeniul cercetărilor de marketing;
  • Cunoștințe temeinice în utilizarea programelor de analiză statistică (SPSS, R etc.);
  • Abilități avansate în programele Microsoft Office (Excel, Word etc.);
  • Spirit analitic, cu o înclinație naturală pentru interpretarea datelor prelucrate.



Descrierea Jobului:


Ca Executiv Data Analyst la iSense Solutions, vei fi implicat într-un mediu captivant, cu responsabilități precum:

  • Verificarea condițiilor logice din chestionarele programate;
  • Pregătirea instrumentelor necesare pentru prelucrarea datelor, începând din momentul în care chestionarul este finalizat;
  • Verificarea și validarea bazei de date;
  • Realizarea și verificarea/formatarea tabelelor de prezentare a datelor;
  • Conceperea și realizarea analizelor speciale necesare în raport;
  • Colaborare eficientă cu colegii pentru realizarea segmentărilor de piață;
  • Coneperea și implementarea analizelor și scorurilor necesare pentru diverse tipuri de cercetări.


De ce iSense Solutions:


La iSense Solutions, nu oferim doar un loc de muncă, oferim oportunități de creștere, explorare și inovație. Te vei alătura unei echipe pasionate, vei avea acces la proiecte captivante și vei vei avea o contribuție esențială la realizarea acestora. 

Trimite-ne CV-ul tău pe [email protected] și hai să ne cunoaștem.

The Ideal Candidate:

  • Minimum 4 years Market Research, Marketing, PR or Brand Management experience
  • English at an advanced level
  • Advanced knowledge of Powerpoint, Excel and Microsoft Word
    Ability to meet deadlines, attention to detail, job autonomy
  • Sociable person who enjoys working in a team, open and curious about innovation
  • Knowledge of research methodology
    Knowledge of statistics and SPSS an advantage


Job Description:

  • Keeping in touch with customers, understanding their business goals
    Development of consultancy reports, data verification
    Involvement in the development of data collection tools (questionnaires)
  • Project team coordination
  • Involvement in the development and implementation of modern research methodologies
  • Presenting the result to the client

Tip job: Full time

The Ideal Candidate

  • Minimum 2 years Market Research, Marketing, PR or Brand Management experience
  • English at an advanced level
  • Advanced knowledge of Powerpoint, Excel and Microsoft Word
    Ability to meet deadlines, attention to detail, job autonomy
  • Sociable person who enjoys working in a team, open and curious about innovation
  • Knowledge of research methodology
    Knowledge of statistics and SPSS an advantage


Job Description

  • Keeping in touch with customers, understanding their business goals
    Development of consultancy reports, data verification
    Involvement in the development of data collection tools (questionnaires)
  • Project team coordination
  • Involvement in the development and implementation of modern research methodologies
  • Presenting the result to the client

The Ideal Candidate

What conditions you must meet:

  • Minimum 2-3 years of experience in Qualitative Marketing Research
  • Experience in moderating a wide range of methodologies (online communities, FGDs, IDIs, etc.)
  • Graduated from university – Sociology, Psychology, Antropology, SNSPA
  • English at an advanced level
  • Open, curious about innovation
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Has a passion for understanding people
  • Diplomacy, time and task organization skills
  • Team spirit, communicative, organized person, attention to detail, ease in working with multiple tasks and projects
  • Strong Microsoft Office knowledge – Excel, Word, PowerPoint

Job Description

What will you do:

  • Keeping in touch with clients, understanding their business objectives;
  • Involvement in the development of data collection tools (discussion guide) moderation of a wide range of methodologies, writing consultancy reports
  • Involvement in the development and implementation of modern research methodologies;
  • Reports that include actionable conclusions and recommendations;
  • Presenting the results to the client.

We offer:

  1. Access to wide range of courses and trainings
    Friendly and professional environment
  2. Many growth opportunities
  3. Building a personal branding (participating to conferences, giving interviews)
  4. Respect for your personal time

If you think we are a fit, say hello and send us your resume at: [email protected]!

The Ideal Candidate:

What conditions you must meet:


Minimum 2-3 years of experience in Marketing Research

Good organization skills
Advanced English language
Good communication skills
Team player
Persuasion and diplomacy skills

Ability to work independently


Job Description:                        

What will you do:

Project Management of online project
Preparing sampling quotations and feasibility
Client service for online field services, cross selling with other iSense services
Offering consultancy for internal and external clients
Study and sampling setup
Panelists support
Administering of recruiting campaigns for the online panelists
Administering of online panels (Romania and International)
Team coordination

We offer:

Financial and non financial extra benefits

Loyalty benefits

Flexibility (hybrid work, flexible working hours)

Being part of a passionate, young and ambitious team, enjoying as well a warm, friendly environment

Multiple team-buildings per year

Growth and learning opportunities (research and non-research training, access to a wide range of tools both qualitative, quantitative, marketing, branding, etc.)